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PIPER CUB publications
This section contains historical Piper Cub information, and is included for entertainment, not necessarily education! We welcome any other suggestions to add to the list.

Those Legendary Piper Cubs, their role in war and peace, by Carroll V. Glines. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2005
The Piper Cub Story, by James M. Triggs. TAB Books, 1963, Reprinted July 1978.
Piper Cubs, Peter M. Bowers. TAB Books 1993.
Alaska’s Bushplanes, Ned Rozell. Alaska Northwest Books 2003.
CloudDancer’s Alaskan Chronicles Vol I, II and III, CloudDancer.iUniverse Inc 2007 - 2010.
Flying Low, Joseph Furbee Gordon. Southfarm Press, 2001.
SuperCub Info
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